Saturday, April 9, 2011

Popsicle Diet

I've discovered that from time to time as I bustle to and from opposite ends of the lab, I don't always have time to fit in three square meals a day. As of yesterday I've begun experimenting in frozen dietary suppliments with hopes of establishing a full popsicle diet for consumption during these hectic work weeks. The idea seems sound in the preliminary stages. 

With luck, I will be able to construct an efficient extraction and deep freeze process that will maximize nutrition. Unfortunately the juicing and blending process is at a temporary standstill as my old blender couldn't handle ice. BUT, as soon as I de-rust that old wood chipper, I should be back in business.


-The Falcon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've devised a new elevator system that runs on the basis of a treadmill. Imagine a narrow elevator shaft with treadbelts oscillating on opposite walls. By carefully calibrating the speed and pressure ratios of the belts, I've managed to achieve lift by mechically sliding a platform into the shaft, perpendicular to the belts. Granted the first few trails were catostrophic and nearly leathal, but since the testing is finally complete, it feels much more stable overall. 

Currently the rig only loads a two floor span. With luck and tweaking in the future, I'm certain I could advance this distance to the full five levels of the laboratory. However for today, my work is done.


-The Falcon

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Falconmobile

It has come to my attention that sometimes the komodo dragons get lazy and are not an efficient means of transport. Therefore I've been devising a new mode of transport dubbed... the FALCONMOBILE.

Currently I'm sick of gas prices. It takes way too much out of my research fund to fill up an American automobile. Sadly, this endeavor hinges upon my contact, Bruno smuggling a suitcase nuke from the ex-Soviet empire into the U.S. I'm planning on using a small nuclear reactor to generate power in the turbine engine. I think I'll just have him FedEx it.

I will not be stopped by the petty struggle in the Middle East. Plans will be posted upon development.


-The Falcon

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This Day in History

If there's one thing I hate, it's pompous dead guys. There is so much to be said about how you can't be respected until after you die. THEN, you have to wait about 200 years before you can be fully appreciated for your contributions to the world. Personally, I don't mind being uncredited, undiscovered, and unseen. The Falcon will still soar upwards on the currents of tomorrow. 

However for your edification here are some notable events that occurred on this day in history. Hopefully you'll appreciate their impact.

1987 - IBM introduces PS/2 & OS/2
1985 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1978 - Velcro was 1st put on the market
1964 - USSR launches Zond 1 to Venus; no data returned
1931 - Teenage girl strikes out Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig in an exhibition game in Chattanooga, Tennessee
1902 - 1st motion picture theater opens (LA)
1877 - 1st Easter egg roll held on White House lawn
1800 - 1st performance of Ludwig von Beethoven's 1st Symphony in C
1513 - Florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Leon

April Second, fools may have first dibs on the month, but innovators are a close second.


-The Falcon

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ice Age

If it were possible, I'd begin working on a weather machine to climate control the immediate area. I'm so sick of this cold snap. I'm shaking my fist at Mother Nature. Grr...

...I suppose it could be done with some sort of atmospheric rocket. The rocket could then be used to launch a satellite which filters particles out of the surrounding air in order to slow precipitate formation. This would allow more sunlight to pass through and raise the overall temperature of the ground below. Simultaneously, the filtration dispersion feature would heat up the earth by encapsulating heat being the particle shield. However I could result in a second ice age...

That was a bad movie,

-The Falcon

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A day wasted

I just spent the last four hours on the phone arguing with Italian police officers about the contents of a certain package that still hasn't arrived. Apparently the customs officers got all bent out of shape when they heard a ticking sound and there was some powdery residue. I don't see what the big deal is, I mean that was a valuable experiment in ant farm germination. And now they won't even send it back! My ants could be building one of the fastest super colonies in the western world, but I'll never know about it now!

I mean, it's the twenty-first century, shouldn't my associate researcher be able to send my results across the Atlantic? It's not like tankers and steamboats are the only means of travel. I am at a loss for words.


-The Falcon

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Monumentary

Some of my followers seem to be sucked into this whole "reality tv" kick that's been popular in media for the last several years. Prompting them to request a more live view of the life of the Falcon. But rather than have some cocky host follow me around, I figured I'd make my own documentary about my life. However, documentary doesn't carry the same gravity as this project. It's not a documentary, it's a monumentary.

I've begun acquiring some camera gear and scouting experiments that my followers can handle live footage of. Provided I don't melt the camera, this could be a very educational undertaking. I plan on making a list of tutorial and DIY builds that will help you enrich your life.

You deserve to know

-The Falcon